Here are just a few of the events sponsored by the Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association for the month of May:
May 8 - MOFGA Organic Orcharding 101 with Michael Phillips, author of The Apple Grower. Location: Unity Maine. Fee is $40 for MOFGA Members, $50 for non-members. Phillips will lead a comprehensive exploration of organic disease and insect strategies, including lectures, discussions, question and answer periods inside and out. Learn what to expect in your orchard and how to manage it. Please bring a bag lunch, course will run from 10-3pm.
May 15 - Morris Farm Community Forum: How Can Education Support Agriculture in Maine? 10am-3pm, Wiscasset Primary School, adjoining The Morris Farm on Route 27, at Gardiner Road, Wiscasset, Maine. Morning-session speakers include Seth Bradstreet (Maine Commissioner of Agriculture), Marge Kilkelly (Agriculture policymaker, farmer, former Legislator), Russell Libby (Executive Director of MOFGA), John Piotti (Legislator, Executive Director of Maine Farmland Trust), John Rebar (Executive Director of UMaine Cooperative Extension), Stewart Smith (Professor of Sustainable Agriculture, UMaine), and moderator, Wendy Pieh (goat farmer, Legislator, House Chair of the Joint Standing Committee on Agriculture, Conservation, and Forestry). Afternoon discussions facilitated by Gary Balducci of Maine Farm Bureau, Jed Beach from Aldemere Farm, Karen Kleinkopf of FARMS, and John D'Anieri of Maine Farm Enterprise School. More information and online registration at www.morrisfarm.org, or call 207.882.4080.
May 15 - Mushroom Cultivation with Bill Errickson. 1-4pm. $30. Learn how to grow your own edible and medicinal mushrooms in straw. Participants take home their own mushroom growing bag. Please pre-register. Student and group rates available. Newforest Institute, 66 Monroe Highway, Brooks, Maine. FMI: 207.722.3625 or email Bill@newforestinstitute.org.
Check out the MOFGA Calendar of Events for other activities.